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5 Types of Massages You Must Try

Massage is a wonderful way to relax. Here are some massages you may not have known about and should try.

Thai massage

Thai massage is a form of body massage that incorporates stretching and deep pressure to help you relax and ease your pain. It can also be used as a way to tone muscles, improve circulation, relieve headaches and stress. Thai massage therapists will often use acupressure points on your body alongside massage techniques; this helps improve balance and increase flexibility.

A Thai massage session usually lasts about an hour, but can last longer if needed. The therapist might start by warming your body with coconut oil before applying firm but gentle pressure with hands or feet (depending on the area being treated).

Some people find this type of touch uncomfortable at first; however, once the muscles relax, you should feel like heaven!


Shiatsu massage is a form of Swedish massage that uses pressure point manipulation (similar to acupressure) and other techniques and movements to stimulate your body's natural healing capabilities.

It can be done on a table or mat, or with you sitting in a chair without arms. Typical shiatsu practices include working the head and neck, back and shoulders, arms and hands, chest and abdomen – and even the legs!

Shiatsu therapists use their thumb as well as their fingers to apply pressure to specific points on your body as they work those areas; they may also use kneading motions with their hands or elbows.

Some practitioners use massage oil during their sessions; others prefer not to add any additional lubrication to the mix.

Lomi Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi is a massage with Hawaiian origins, a form of body massage that uses a lot of pressure and oil to release tension and bring relaxation.

The therapist uses long, smooth strokes that go from the neck to the toes. It has a powerful effect on your muscles and joints as well as the flow of energy in your body. It's like getting a deep tissue massage without being bruised afterwards! 

This type of massage combines Asian acupressure techniques with traditional Hawaiian healing practices. If you're looking for an intense yet relaxing experience that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, try this one next time!

Lomi Lomi Ashiatsu

Lomi Lomi Ashiatsu is a massage where the therapist uses their feet to apply pressure to the body. They use the soles of their feet as well as their toes and heels to provide this type of massage. The pressure can be intense, depending on the weight you apply while performing it.

Lomi lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage technique that involves long strokes with outstretched fingers along the arms, legs and back muscles. Lotion or oil is also used on the bare skin during the massage session.

It is usually performed while lying face down on a table, shirtless, so that the therapist can easily reach all parts of the upper body without having to move too much during each session.


Cupping is a type of massage that uses suction to remove the skin from the muscles. It is believed to have been used by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese and has been around since the 2nd century AD. Cupping is used to treat pain, inflammation, and muscle soreness, but it is not a form of acupuncture.

In cupping therapy, cups are placed on the skin over desired areas of the body (usually the back or neck). A pump creates negative pressure inside the cup, which causes it to adhere tightly to the skin and pull it up into a dome shape. This can be painful, but only lasts about five minutes before it is removed with a gentle suction.

Results last up to two weeks after treatments; however, some people say they feel better immediately after each session!

No matter where your interests lie, there is a massage for everyone. As long as you're willing to go in with an open mind and a sense of adventure, you'll leave feeling better than ever!

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