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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Atasagon Secrets


The Atasagon Center proposes quantum therapy with TimeWaver Med for the first time

Quantum medicine, also known as information medicine or "energy healing", is an innovative concept of diagnosis and healing. This approach uses the latest discoveries in quantum physics in the medical field, allowing the detection of conditions or imbalances at an early stage, as well as the identification of disease risks before they become clinically evident or reflected in medical test results.

We are energy not just a physical body 

The human body is not only a structure made up of organs and chemical reactions, but is a complex of electromagnetic fields that influence our state of health. We are an amalgam of energy and information interacting with the environment. Quantum therapy proposes an innovative approach, focusing on the identification of causes and multidimensional analysis in the human information field. All the information we come into contact with throughout our lives, the emotions we experience, limiting beliefs, electromagnetic radiation or toxins all have an impact on the human biofield. To eliminate ailments, it is necessary to change the information in the morphogenetic field, acting on the causes.

At Atasagon, doctors and therapists use for the first time a state-of-the-art and extremely complex device called TimeWaver Med, which is used to analyze the information field and perform advanced treatments through its quantum therapeutic programs. These programs are designed to restore harmony in the interference of the information field, to release and unlock emotions. The TimeWaver Med device uses advanced technology to identify and correct the subtle and invisible causes of imbalances affecting various aspects of our lives, and through its therapy programs, these imbalances will be harmonized.

Evaluation and innovative quantum therapies in the informational field

TimeWaver Med offers diagnostics as well as personalized therapies, recommended according to the complex results obtained from the analysis of the information field:

  • analysis in the information field from the database of over 520,000 information structured on 11 levels + optimization in the field
  • complete assessment of 52 organs and systems in the Organ Coherence module with identification of causes, dysfunctions, food allergies and intolerances, environmental toxins, heavy metals, identification of microorganisms as well as treatment and optimization solutions
  • functional and causal screening on all systems and organs, carried out in the Wave Screening module + optimization treatment
  • evaluation of Energy Meridians and acupuncture points + informational optimization and acupuncture with "virtual needles"
  • aura assessment and energy centers
  • energy field assessment and therapy performed with TimeWaver Frequency technology
  • biochemical analyzes in the informational field
  • personalized therapy with specific microcurrents
  • personalized therapeutic recommendations

TimeWaver Med it can detect not only imbalances of a biological nature (the structure and functioning of organs and systems of the human body), but also stress factors. Problems from the family environment, from the workplace or caused by the external environment will also be identified, and later, with the help of therapies, they can be corrected and reharmonized. So, following the results of this analysis, the guest will receive several personalized therapeutic recommendations, which may include quantum therapy, energy therapy, nutrition, etc.

Team Atasagon is here to guide you on the path to health and healing so that you can enjoy as much energy and vitality as possible.
