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Atasagon Secrets


The Atasagon team wishes you balanced holidays!

December comes packed with parties, festive meals, reunions with many joys, but also a lot of fatigue. So many things happen quickly before we forget to take care of our health.

Did you know that…

 Every year, hundreds of people need medical attention from the first day of Christmas? At the end of each year, the alcoholic-traumatic and toxic pathology balanced and even exceeded in number and severity the digestive pathology. The most common cases were in patients who presented to the emergency room with biliary colic, gastritis, ulcers in crisis, pancreatitis and digestive hemorrhages that required urgent clinical, imaging and biological evaluation, some requiring emergency therapy.  

Family meals, especially on Holidays, are a source of joy and an ideal opportunity to (re)connect with your loved ones. Prove that you take care of your own health without being ashamed by avoiding excesses. 

More attention should be given to people who have chronic digestive (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystopathies), cardiac (hypertension, ischemic heart diseases, heart failure) or metabolic (diabetes, gout) conditions. For these people, compliance with the hygienic-dietary regimen is also necessary during this period!

Here are some useful tips you can follow during the holidays:

1. Moderation is key!

Moderation should be your guide during the holidays. There's nothing wrong with enjoying an indulgent, festive dinner, but make sure the meals around it are healthy and nutrient-dense. 

Careful! moderation, not strictness, is the best way to keep your weight under control in the long run, this way, you can occasionally enjoy a small culinary treat without feeling guilty.

Before the Christmas meal, breakfast and lunch that day should contain moderate amounts of food.
It should be noted that the consumption of snacks between meals should also be eliminated in order not to overload the digestive system.

2. Eat…slowly!

Calculate your food intake wisely and be picky in your food choices! After you finish the first course, take a 10-minute break. Chat with loved ones or hydrate, then check your appetite. You may realize that you are already full or that you only want half a portion of the next dish.

Try not to rush when you eat, as it takes about 20 minutes for signals from the brain to tell the body that the feeling of satiety has set in. Choose your vegetables first, and last but not least, don't feel obligated to eat every dish.

There must be breaks between meals, so that the stomach can digest at its own pace.

The standard Romanian diet is based on an increased consumption of products of animal origin, and during the winter holidays there will be plenty of products from this category on our tables. That is why, for proper digestion, it is recommended to combine traditional Romanian products with vegetables and salads. It is preferable to start by eating first the vegetables and the salad, then the meat and its derivatives. Examples of foods rich in antioxidants that can be included in the holiday diet include arugula, broccoli, rapini, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (all varieties), cauliflower, horseradish, kale, collards, radishes, turnips. 

3. Don't skip meals in the hope of a hearty dinner!

If you skip breakfast and lunch thinking that a hearty dinner will follow anyway, you should know that this is not a good strategy at all. This causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate, making you feel tired, low on energy and mood swings.

4. Use a smaller plate!

A very simple trick that helps you not to eat too large portions of food is to use a smaller plate. It's a trick that "tricks" your mind into thinking the portion you're eating is bigger, plus it helps you limit the amount of food you eat because you'll be less tempted to fill your plate more than once.

5. Be careful with alcohol consumption!

Usually, alcoholic beverages are not missing from such events.

A glass of prosecco or champagne provides about 70-100 calories, while wine, beer and spirits vary in intake between 150 and 225 calories/portion. If you drink alcohol, have a glass of water between drinks and avoid drinking on an empty stomach. 

Undoubtedly, there are many occasions when you can enjoy a drink with friends or family, especially during the holidays. Excess alcohol, even occasionally, can be very harmful to health, and the effects are not limited to "a hangover". Don't forget to drink enough water, stay hydrated (alcohol dehydrates the body a lot) and avoid drinks with a high consumption of sugars (especially drink mixes and cocktails).

6. Hydrate yourself!

 During this busy period you can easily forget to drink water because the brain can sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. A large glass of water before a meal can help reduce the amount of food you are about to eat. Try to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, and make sure you drink two large glasses of water before your main meals.

7. Don't forget to exercise!

If you don't want to pack on extra pounds due to increased food consumption and lack of activity, walking should be included in your holiday schedule. In addition to the physical benefits, it also helps you emotionally to deal with the stress of the holidays. Moreover, the walk will also keep you away from those tempting snacks on the kitchen table. 

Remember that this time is about celebrating and connecting with the loved ones in your life. When you focus more on fun and quality time, it's easier not to think about food.

Take advantage of the time you have and do as much exercise as possible.

You can do physical activities together with your family or friends. Whether it's a long walk to admire the holiday decorations, short hikes, winter sports or all kinds of fun activities that will help you burn calories and have more energy. In addition to the health benefits, exercise can help you get rid of stress and forget about everyday worries.

8. Do not neglect the sleep schedule!

Another challenge when we talk about the winter holidays spent with loved ones is keeping the sleep schedule. We remind you that irregular sleep leads to fatigue, poor eating habits, sweet cravings and daytime sleepiness. Keep your sleep schedule and take advantage of the end-of-year vacation to rest and recharge your batteries.
Take care of yourself with...Atasagon! For any advice or relaxation days, do not hesitate to contact us!

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