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How do you get rid of visceral fat?

Have you ever wondered what it is? visceral fat, but also how you can do it remove

It is located in the abdominal area and is extremely dangerous, being associated with cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and more.

Don't panic, it exists solutions through which you can reduce the amount of visceral fat.

Here are the aspects you need to consider: the sportdiethydrationsleep, but also stress management.

  1. The sport

Studies show that the most effective way to burn visceral fat is the sport. It is advisable to exercise every day, for a minimum of 30 minutes, but to reduce visceral fat and to have satisfactory results, you must work intensively.

The secret recipe is to combine aerobic physical activities (3 days) with strength training (2 days) for gratifying results. 

  1. Diet

Diet it is very important in terms of eliminating visceral fat. 

Pay attention to the amount of portions and choose complex carbohydrates which you can take from vegetables, fruits, but also whole grains, as well as proteins obtained from food sources with low fat content (chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, skim milk, etc.)

Avoid simple carbohydrates, such as sweets, pastries, white flour, sugary drinks and alcohol. Avoid unhealthy fats found in fried or processed foods. Replace them with healthy fats from nuts, raw seeds, avocados and olive oil.

Another good alternative to try is and intermittent fasting.

What is intermittent fasting? 

You can choose one of the options below, which suits you best:

  • You skip breakfast and only have lunch and dinner → x – lunch – dinner
  • Skip lunch and have only breakfast and dinner → breakfast – x – dinner
  • Skip dinner and choose to eat only breakfast and lunch → breakfast – lunch – x

Another option is also 24 hour post, which is recommended once a week. 

In this fast, you are allowed to drink only tea, water, or coffee (no sweeteners/milk), without eating anything for 24 hours. 

At first it may seem difficult, but with proper starvation and patience, things will become easier and even enjoyable.

  1. hydration

Hydrate yourself properly with quality water. 

It is recommended to consume between 30-40 ml/kg body weight. Of course, you have to adapt the intake according to the physical activity performed, the ambient temperature, but also take into account the ailments of the body.

  1. Rest and sleep

Rest and sleep they are very important for your body. 

Following some research, it was found that people who sleep 6-7 hours a night have less visceral and abdominal fat compared to people who do not benefit from the necessary hours of sleep.

The stress prevents the elimination of visceral fat, therefore you must learn to manage and try to reduce the stress in your life.

Most of the time unhealthy food choices are made due to stress. 

What to do to reduce stress?

Meditate, run, read a few pages, listen to relaxing music, get a massage, etc. Surely these methods can help you eliminate excessive stress. 

Call with confidence on our detox programs, Atasagon, which helps you eliminate visceral fat.

We have programs at our center that include physical activities and therapies that make visceral fat more efficient and more effective in getting rid of visceral fat.

Get in touch with us right now and find out offers of the month.  

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