Quantum medicine, also known as information medicine or "energy healing", is an innovative concept of diagnosis and healing. This approach uses the latest discoveries in quantum physics in the medical field, enabling…
Did you know that health, like love, is built in two?
Did you know that health and a long-lasting relationship are built together? A healthy lifestyle not only has individual benefits, but can also have a positive impact on the couple's relationship. When both partners are…
Why detoxification is not a weight loss cure?
Many times we want to achieve the ideal physical shape and get rid of extra pounds without making significant changes in our lifestyle or the way we eat. Often,…
What does a detox day at Atasagon look like?
If you are curious about what a detox day at Atasagon looks like, in this article you will find out what your journey towards balance, well-being and rejuvenation includes.
Food with a beneficial effect in increasing immunity
What we eat influences our immunity and energy level. a healthy, balanced and varied diet, together with proper hydration and adequate rest, is the key to strengthening the immune system in the cold season.
Steps for great winter skin care!
In the cold season, our skin needs special attention to maintain its suppleness, firmness and optimal hydration. Cold and dry weather as well as wind can cause dryness, redness and even flaking of the skin so…
Immunity for autumn: therapy with vitamin C and vitamin B complex
The transition period between seasons can be difficult for the body to manage. That's why he needs support to be able to face the specific challenges of the season. So, vitamin C therapies and complex…
Seasonal detox: body cleansed and vitality regained
Now that summer has said goodbye, it's important to prepare our body for the next season, the fall season. More precisely, let's prepare for the transition from high temperatures to lower ones. The…
A step forward in Detoxification and Relaxation Technology: Ozone Sauna
You have to admit that the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life got to you at least once. Now, try to imagine what it would be like to live in a stressful environment every day. A…
How to carefully care for your skin with facial biolifting?
Do you have dry and discolored skin? Are you looking for the right solutions to improve your appearance and restore the glow of your skin? You've come to the right place! In this article, we will explore effective ways to make your…