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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Atasagon Secrets


Why detoxification is not a weight loss cure?

Many times we want to achieve the ideal physical shape and get rid of the extra pounds without making significant changes in our lifestyle or the way we eat. Often we fall prey to diets advertised in the media or follow recipes that do not suit our individual needs and results are slow to appear. Eventually, we end up quickly returning to our original weight or experiencing physical weakness and stress due to the lack of nutrients during the diet.

A healthy body above all

If, after such repeated experiences, we do not understand the importance of a "reset" of the body and the elimination of toxins, there is a risk of causing more harm than good in the long run. We often don't realize that we are piling on unwanted pounds due to toxins accumulating in the body, lack of hydration and insufficient movement, and our reaction to stress.

Our priority should be the health and vitality of our body above all else. a effective detox program can bring many benefits. It is crucial to understand that detoxification should not be confused with a weight loss cure. By detoxifying, we give our body a chance to eliminate accumulated toxins, allowing it to regain energy and balance. This process is essential for preparing the immune system for seasonal challenges, contributing to resistance against asthenia, viruses and general lack of energy.

How do you know you need one? detox program?

  • do you wake up in the morning tired as if you haven't rested?
  • do you tend to sleep restlessly?
  • do you have frequent headaches?
  • Do you tend to catch colds or catch viruses every year?
  • Do you have stools that aren't soft and don't come off easily?
  • Do you frequently bloat after eating?
  • Do you frequently crave sweets, high-carb or fried foods?
  • have you gained a lot of weight in a short time and can't get rid of the pounds as easily as in the past?
  • do you have bad breath or body odor?
  • do you have swollen tissues on your face or body?
  • do you have allergies or allergic rhinitis?
  • do you have frequent itchy skin, pimples or other bothersome dermatological conditions?
  • do you feel listless and tired?
  • do you drink coffee/alcoholic drinks/acidic drinks every day?
  • you smoke?
  • your body has started to give alarm signals, do you have a high level of cholesterol, fatty liver, blood sugar disorders, allergies, etc.?
  • do you eat processed, packaged foods with a shelf life of 3-6 months instead of foods with a shelf life of a few days by nature?

No matter how many affirmative answers you gave, they show that you could get important benefits because of one detoxification cures.

Do not forget that such a program is not aimed only at losing weight, but at strengthening and cleansing the body, giving it more strength. The benefits can be lasting, providing us with essential support for maintaining optimal health.

By choosing the unique programs of the Atasagon center you will be able to experience the detoxification of the body in a holistic and personalized way. Our team dedicated is here to guide you on your way to health and vitality.
