Sezonul rece vine cu numeroase provocări pentru sănătatea noastră. Frigul, variațiile de temperatură și stresul cotidian pot afecta sistemul imunitar, făcându-ne mai vulnerabili în fața bolilor și infecțiilor. Un mod eficient de a combate aceste…
Descoperă secretul pielii tinere cu Morpheus8
Daca esti in cautarea unei metode eficiente de a combate semnele imbatranirii si de a obtine o piele neteda si radianta, Morpheus8 iti ofera solutia perfecta. Morpheus8, un dispozitiv de remodelare adipoasa subdermica (SARD), ce…
Hidratarea corectă vara, un pas esențial pentru sănătatea ta!
În zilele toride de vară, corpul nostru pierde mai multe lichide decât de obicei. De aceea, este crucial să ne hidratăm corespunzător pentru a ne menține sănătoși și energici.
Atasagon won 2 awards at the SPA Romania 2024 Awards
We are happy to announce that Atasagon Detox & Wellbeing was once again a laureate at the SPA Romania 2024 Awards Gala, obtaining the Grand Prize in two categories: Best DAY SPA for Detox The most…
How to avoid food excesses at the festive Easter meal?
After so many days of fasting, you can't wait to indulge in the Easter goodies: eggs, tripe, roast lamb, cozonac, Easter? Be careful with the culinary feast though, because your body might protest.…
The Atasagon Center proposes quantum therapy with TimeWaver Med for the first time
Quantum medicine, also known as information medicine or "energy healing", is an innovative concept of diagnosis and healing. This approach uses the latest discoveries in quantum physics in the medical field, enabling…
Immunity for autumn: therapy with vitamin C and vitamin B complex
The transition period between seasons can be difficult for the body to manage. That's why he needs support to be able to face the specific challenges of the season. So, vitamin C therapies and complex…
How can you solve hormonal imbalances with natural methods?
What are hormonal disorders? Hormonal imbalances are abnormal changes in hormone levels in the body. They can be caused by various factors such as: Any disease already present in the body Chronic stress Changes in diet...
Have you heard of the green juice diet?
If you're trying to lose extra pounds, you're in the right place at the right time! This diet is an effective way to lose weight and improve your…
What is chronic fatigue?
Are you exhausted and don't know why? Do you feel like the hours of sleep are not helping you regain the energy you used to have? It is definitely a more serious problem that needs to be taken care of…