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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Anti-cellulite massage

235.00 lei



50 min / 235 ron

Do you feel that the appearance of cellulite has a negative effect on your self-confidence and your body, and you do everything you can to hide it? This is no longer the case with this anti-cellulite massage. In addition to the fact that you will achieve smoother skin and a more beautiful appearance of the skin due to the elimination of fluids associated with the formation of cellulite, you will also be able to enjoy other benefits such as: improves regional blood circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system, improvement of skin elasticity and tone and of the health of the subcutaneous tissues. It's time to feel comfortable in your own skin!

Contraindications: varicose veins, metastatic recurrences, capillary fragility


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