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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Peripheral neuropathy quantification (sudoscan) – without interpretation

150.00 lei



150 lei - without interpretation

Do you often feel pain and numbness in your hands and feet? With quantitative results, SUDOSCAN allows the early diagnosis of neuropathy (especially of small fibers) and the possibility of tracking the effectiveness of the specific treatment, but also the progression of the disease. SUDOSCAN is a test that provides an accurate assessment of sweating function and has been successfully used in the early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy, post-chemotherapy neuropathy, familial amyloid polyneuropathy, Fabry disease and Parkinson's disease. The test focuses on the small nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system that innervate the sweat glands, so thin nerve fiber pathology is detected early. The examination is easy to perform, short (lasts 3 minutes), non-invasive, with a quick result in 10 seconds. Prevention is better than cure, act on time!


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