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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Raw Food Detox

535.00 lei


🌿 În luna iubirii, oferă-ți un cadou pentru sănătatea și relaxarea ta! 💚

La Atasagon, îți arătăm aprecierea printr-o ofertă specială: în funcție de numărul de zile de detox achiziționate, primești cadou ședințe relaxante de Saună cu Ozon sau Presso Drenaj (Symphony). Terapiile cadou pot fi alese direct în centru, atunci când ne vizitezi în perioada ofertei. 💆‍♀️✨

* Oferta este valabilă  până pe 28 Februarie 2025. Locuri limitate! 



🍃Raw Food Detox is a program that we warmly recommend to those who want to get rid of excess fat and ease their digestive system. Raw food is based on raw vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts and seeds. The foods in the Raw Food Detox program are processed at temperatures of maximum 42°C.

In addition to the juices served, you must drink a lot of water (alkaline with pH 9.5) to intensify the detoxification process by increasing the amount of toxins eliminated through the kidneys. It is recommended to consume it so that you urinate every hour.

going RAW FOOD DETOX, you will benefit from a complete experience of detoxification and energization, after which you will eliminate toxins and restore health and energy to the body.🍃

The time interval for serving food and juices from the Raw Food Detox program:

08:00 – Alkaline water + Immune Boost juice + fruit salad

09:30 – Wheat juice, herbs + green juice

11:00 – Alkaline water + detox soup

12:30 – Raw lunch + Electrolytic drink

14:00 – Alkaline water + detox soup

15:30 – Wheat juice, plants + green juice

17:00 – Alkaline water + detox soup

18:30 – Green salad + Electrolytic drink

20:00 – Green energizing drink + Alkaline water

21:30 – Probiotics


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