The payment of the ordered products is made in the online payment system with a bank card through the ING service with Visa/Maestro/Mastercard cards.
If you have chosen the "Online by bank card" payment method, it is necessary to fill in a form with the information about your card on the secure page of the payment processor.
– Payments with credit/debit cards issued under the Visa and MasterCard logo (Visa/Visa Electron and MasterCard/Maestro)
se efectuează prin intermediul sistemului „3-D Secure” elaborat de organizatiile care asigura tranzactiilor on-line acelasi nivel de securitate ca cele realizate la bancomat sau in mediul fizic, la comerciant.
– „3-D Secure” asigura in primul rand ca nici o informatie legata de cardul dumneavoastra nu este transferata sau stocata, la nici un moment de timp, pe serverele magazinului sau pe serverele procesatorului de plati, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa si MasterCard.
Important to know! - No commission is charged for bank card payments!
The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise the delivery will not be possible.