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Str. Maciesului 2A, Brasov, Romania

Atasagon Secrets



Since, in our country, the concept of Turkish bath is not very well known, we have to start by discovering what this treatment is.

In the Middle East, the Turkish bath or hammam is more than a relaxing and beautifying treatment. It is an ancestral ritual of physical and spiritual purification where exfoliation and deep cleansing detoxifies and rejuvenates the body, boosts the immune system, awakens the senses and calms the mind.

What exactly does the Turkish bath entail?

In order to achieve results, the environment in which the whole process takes place must be a suitable one, carefully decorated so that your body can eliminate all negative energies. Otherwise, the results will have the opposite effect to the desired ones. This ceremony takes place in a relaxing and authentic setting. How do we get this framework? On the decoration side, we use as many elements of Turkish nature as possible, and as for the technique, it involves several processes: the scrub with the abrasive glove, the relaxing foam massage, the rinsing and the revitalization of the whole body.

What are the benefits that such a treatment brings you?

If you choose to follow this process, you must know that you take care of yourself not only physically but also mentally. Such a purification process comes to your aid in terms of:

  • Removing toxins and stimulating detoxification
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Purification of the body
  • Removal of dead cells
  • Improved blood circulation
  • It can keep respiratory ailments and forms of cold and flu at bay
  • It has curative properties for rheumatic, digestive, respiratory diseases, liver and gall bladder diseases, obesity, metabolic disorders, kidney, dermatological and gynecological diseases and puts you on your feet during periods of convalescence.
  • valuable help against cold and flu

If you want that may seasonal diseases avoid you this winter, make a run to the hammam. See how it all works! Heat and steam are excellent for deep cleaning of the respiratory tractlung detoxification and sinus decongestion, which leads to  improving breathing. And to protect you from colds, flu or respiratory viruses, the hammam also contains eucalyptus vapors, excellent for immunity, tone and treatment of respiratory ailments.

Whether you want to reward yourself at the end of an exhausting week or pamper yourself with a warm steam bath that releases you from all the stress accumulated over time, the Turkish bath is the ideal place for you.

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